Covid-19 Guidance

Thank you for your co-operation during these difficult times.

All staff are to follow government guidelines:

  • Wear a face mask
  • Wash hands with soap or use hand sanitiser
  • Wear protective gloves provided and throw away after every use
  • Keep 2 metre distance from all clients

For the safety of both clients and staff, we have introduced the following rules:

  • Staff must not clean if anyone in their household has symptoms (however mild) or is self-isolating
  • Clients must not allow cleaning if anyone in their premises has symptoms (however mild) or is self isolating
  • Clients must stay in a different room to the cleaner. Social distancing of at least 2 metres must be maintained at all times

Staff must inform management if they have:

  • Coronavirus symptoms- a fever, new cough or loss of smell or taste
  • Had a positive coronavirus test in the last 10 days

All staff when on clients premises must sign in and follow their Covid-19 policies.